But as it turns out her definition of “fiddle” and mine part ways just after the first F. She’s merely slimming it down on her Avatar. To look better in a skirt.
Now, although Tia also lately theorized that I have “a buttocks thing” I can honestly say that I do not spend an exuberant amount of time staring at her behind – just once in a while when she darts off in front of me and I have to lumber along behind. And I never thought it needed any de-polstering.
Tia has a different opinion. Her rear looks big in skirts – but she quickly adds in that typical defensive female manner – all female butts in SL look fat in skirts. It’s some glitch in the mesh of the avatar apparently and a bigger (if you’ll excuse the use of the word) problem in SL then I ever realized. “To look good in a skirt I need to slim down the hips till I have almost a boyish appearance” Tia says. (My heart sinks). “But I’ll save the original shape for wearing bikinis and slacks.” (My heart returns to its normal position, maybe even a bit higher).
Talking to Tia about Bad Ass Skirt Syndrome - or BASS as we’ve coined it - has emotionalised me more to the problem and I now ogle other behinds in SL with a much more educated eye. I was told (actually by Tia) that every tenth female in SL is actually a male. At another time she mentioned that someone I had danced with had “very wide hips – only a man would do that”. I’ve cleverly combined the two thoughts and decided that I’ll pay much more attention to butts in SL then I have been. There are worse things a guy’s got to do...
And here are the results from our BASS Poll:
Have you ever experienced BASS?
Yes: 27 percent
No: 63 percent
Rather not say: 0 percent
Yes, by proxy on someone else: 9 percent
Thanks for taking part, and of course you don't look fat in that.
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